The fascinating pyramid located in "El Mirador" takes its name "La Danta" in honor of the most impressive animal that inhabits the Mayan jungle, today sadly in danger of extinction.

The Tapir (Danta) is known as "gardener of the forest" the purpose of this amazing animal is dispersing seeds of threes and keep the forests balanced and healthy.For this and many reasons more we named our brand in their honor and we are pleased to contribute to their preservation.

And the pyramid LA DANTA


La Danta, built by the ancient Mayan, located in the northern jungle of Guatemala, specifically in El Mirador, Peten, is the highest of the Mayan and American pyramids (72 meters), and one of the largest in the world, with a volume of 2.8 million cubic meters, 200,000 more than the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. The El Tigre Pyramid, 55 meters high, is the second largest in the site. The National Geographic Society filmed the documentary El Amanecer de Los Mayas here in 2005.

The existence of this pre-Columbian temple and other recent discoveries in the Mirador Basin demonstrate the highly prominent culture that was the preclassic Maya.
